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寺島チヒロ 28歳 車販売営業鬼畜たちのアジトに新人営業レディが自動車の見積もりを持ってきた。新人とはいえ、歳はかなりいっている女である。色仕掛けで車を買わそうという手なのか?それなら乗らない手はない。車なんてさておき、この女を頂くとしよう。アクメ拷問の餌食にすることにした。スーツ姿の営業レディの名前は「チヒロ」。派手目の顔に豊満な肉体がそそる。「チヒロ」の枕営業を利用して意識を失くさせて拘束。地獄のアクメ責めが始まる。着衣のままで縛り天井から吊るす。衣服を引き裂かれ、秘貝を荒々しく淫手や淫具で責められば、幾度と無く大量の潮を吹きながら昇天を迎える。泣き叫び制止を哀願するが肢体は正直に反応し、震えながら逝きまくる。超強力電マの刺激にヒクつく秘貝。媚薬を秘貝に注入され朦朧としながらも何度も大量の潮を噴き上げ失神を繰り返す。鬼畜に生の淫棒でしっかり濡れた秘貝を突きまくられて白く大量の淫汁を注ぎ込まれれば身体を震わせて受け入れる。
New figure female business brought the estimate of the car to devils' hideouts. The age is a woman who says considerably even though the new figure. Is it a technique of buying the car by the color beginning?If so, there is no hand doesn't get on. Let's assume that the car gets the setting aside and this woman. It decided to make it to the food of the acme torture. It is woman of sales of the wearing a suit and the name is "[Chihiro]. "A plump body attracts it to the face of the gay. Consideration is lost by using pillow business of "[Chihiro]" and it restrains it. Blame of the acme of the hell starts. It is done that it hangs it from the bind ceiling like clothes. It tears up clothes, and the pussy is violently blamed with a hand salaciously and a tool salaciously, and it is not and faces ascension while blowing a large amount of tide and several-time. Limbs are lived while trembling reacting on honesty and rolled up though scream and entreat the restraint. Attaching pussy that pulls it to stimulation of superpower and electric massage. The philter is injected by the pussy and a large amount of tide is spouted many times though it does faintly and the faint is repeated. The body is shaken if a firmly wet pussy in a stick of the life salaciously is pierced, it is rolled up by the devil, and white, a large amount of semen is poured and it accepts.
- 2011/04/19(火) 22:59:35|
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皐月りぼん 18歳女子校生N学校の生徒である「りぼん」。家庭は裕福なのだが両親の喧嘩が絶えない。家に帰っても父親の怒鳴り声が彼女には耐えられなかった。成績もどちらかと言えば上位の方ではあるが誰しも人に言えない悩みはあるものだ。ある日学校帰り公園で遊び半分で覚えた煙草に火をつける。決して不良ではないが煙草をふかしていると嫌な事を忘れられる、彼女はそんな気がした。しかしタイミングが悪かった。同じ学校の教師である「リカ」に目撃されてしまった。注意されていると、更にタイミング悪く、鬼畜どもの毒牙にかかり拉致されてしまったのである。今回はロリ系女子校生の逝き様をとくとご覧頂く事にする。制服のまま縛り吊るされた「りぼん」。ロリ顔と発育した色白の肢体のアンバランスが堪らない。下着を脱がされ若い生秘貝に荒々しく淫具をぶち込まれ、絶叫する「りぼん」。女子校生いえどもりっぱな「女」。脳天を貫く快感は大量の淫汁を吹きながら昇天を迎える。何度も何度も逝きまくるアクメ拷問。逝き顔はまさに悦楽の女の顔になった。超極太電動ドリルバイブを容赦なく突き刺せば振動が脳天を直撃し、壊れ堕ちていく。仕上げは生淫棒を存分に上の口と下の口に突っ込まれ、まだ、さほど使っていないと思われる秘貝を白濁淫液で満たされてしまうのだ。
"[Ribon]" who is student at 18-years old schoolgirl N school. The parents' fights do not discontinue though the home is affluent. She was not able to endure father's snarl even if returning to the house. The worry that no one can say to the person is a certain one though the result is a high rank if anything. It plays in a certain day return park at the school and it ignites the cigarette remembered half. When the cigarette was steamed, she from whom an unpleasant thing was forgotten was felt like though it was never defective so. However, it was untimely. It has been witnessed to "[Rika]" who is the teacher at the same school. It badly hangs to devil's poison fang and, in addition, timing has been abducted when noted. It makes it to the thing sees that schoolgirl's dying externals like the little girl are solved this time. "[Ribon]" that ..uniform.. is bound ..the remainder.. and hung of doing. The unbalance of a young face and fair limbs to which it grew is not . "[Ribon]" that is made taking off undergarment and is violently thrown tool salaciously by young pussy, and ejaculates. "Woman" splendid though schoolgirl. Pleasure that goes through the head faces ascension while blowing soup in large quantities and salaciously. It dies over and over again and it tortures it at the acme rolled up. The dying face exactly became nymph of delight's face. If the super power drill vibes is thrust without mercy, the vibration hits the head directly, it breaks, and it degenerates. As for finish, do the thrust of a life stick salaciously to the mouth on and the mouth below without reserve, and the pussy that is not using it still very much is filled with the liquid becoming cloudy salaciously.
- 2011/04/18(月) 19:15:20|
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南野リカ 28歳教師N学校の教師である「リカ」。28歳と婚期を逃した彼女は何故か毎日、イライラが続く。付き合っていた彼氏とも別れてもう1年になる。生まれ持って淫らな血がムラムラと熱く煮えたぎる日が多い。そんなある日、公園で生徒がタバコを吸っているところを目撃する。捕まえてくどくどとお説教をしてしまう。それを鬼畜たちに見つかり結局、生徒ともども拉致されてしまった。まずは淫女教師に連続アクメ拷問を味わってもらうことにした。連れ去られたままの格好で縛り付けられた「リカ」は色白のグラマラスな熟れた肢体がそそる。下着を脱がされ秘貝を荒々しく容赦ない電マの刺激責めに泣き叫びながらも淫女の歓喜の表情は隠せない。脳天を貫く快感は幾度と無く大量の淫汁を吹きながら昇天を迎える。白く艶かしい肌は電気ショックで紅く染まり、肢体を捩じらせ逝き果てる。終りのない昇天地獄の責めに真の淫女の顔を曝け出してくる。仕上げは鬼畜たちの白濁淫液をたっぷりと秘貝に受け止めるのだ。
"[Rika]" who is teacher at 28-years old teacher N school. Irritation continues to the woman who failed to catch 28 years old and marriageable ages every day why. One year has already passed since it separated from the having been associating boyfriend. It is born, has, there are a lot of ithyphallic bloods, and there are a lot irregular irregular and day when it boils hot. It is witnessed that the student is smoking in the park one day. It captures and it preaches importunately. It is found by devils and, after all, has been abducted with the student. First of all, a female teacher salaciously decided to taste the continuous acme torture. Glamorous fair ripe limbs attract "[Rika]" bound suitable in the state of being kidnapped. It is not possible to be made taking off the undergarment and to conceal the expression of the woman's salaciously rejoicing in the stimulation blame of an electric massage that doesn't violently pardon the pussy though it screams. Pleasure that goes through the head is not and faces ascension while blowing soup in large quantities and salaciously how many times. A glossy skin is an electroshock and a bright red dyeing, and it is white and limbs finishing ..twist.. coming. The face of a true woman salaciously is disregarded in the blame of the ascension hell that doesn't end and it begins to disregard [**]. Finish ..pussy.. is caught as devils' liquids becoming cloudy salaciously are enough.
- 2011/04/17(日) 22:45:20|
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浅井千尋 25歳 映像製作会社ディレクタ今回、餌食となる「千尋」も「婚活中」の女の一人であった。「千尋」は映像製作会社でディレクタを任されている25歳。25歳ともなれば仕事も大事だが結婚を意識する年頃。彼女の友達は皆いち早くゴールインしていた。彼女自身、仕事をとるか結婚かの葛藤に悩んではいる。だから今日も仕事の帰りに料理教室へ通うのであった。そんな帰り道、運悪く、餌食を物色中の鬼畜たちに見つかり拉致されてしまう。「千尋」は一見、堅物な感じのする女だが25歳になる熟れたカラダを包むスーツ姿が堪らない。また、スカートから覗かせる美脚が最高にそそる。連れ去ってきた着衣のままで天井から吊るし、乳房や秘貝を淫具で徹底的に責める。抵抗するものの、彼女の下着の中の秘貝はすでにぐっしょりと濡れている。下着の中の秘貝を電マの刺激が襲い掛かる。熟れきった生秘貝に荒々しく淫具をぶち込まれ絶叫し痙攣が止まらない。極太ドリルバイブを秘貝にブチ込む終わりのない責めに白目を剥いて痙攣と失神を繰り返す。鬼畜に生の淫棒でぐっしょり濡れた秘貝を突きまくられて白い多量の淫液を注ぎ込まれれば身体を震わせて受け入れる。白目を剥いて歓喜の逝きトランスを味わうのだ。
This time, "Chihiro" that became food was one of the women of "Be marrying acting", too. "Chihiro" is 25 years old to whom the director is left in the image production company. It is a pubescence to consider marrying though work is also important if it turns 25 years old. All her friends were promptly married. It enters worrying because of the conflict of her taking work or the marriage. Therefore, it commuted to the cooking class on one's return of work today. It is found by such a way back and devils who are looking for food unfortunately and it is abducted. The wearing a suits that wrap a ripe body that turns 25 years old though "Chihiro" is seemingly women who feel it like the man of strict morals are not [**]. Moreover, the beautiful leg seen from the skirt attracts it highest. It hangs from the ceiling like clothes that have been kidnapped, and the breast and the vagina are blamed thoroughly with a tool salaciously. The vagina in her undergarment is profusely wet though it resists already. Stimulation attacks it of an electric massage of the vagina in the undergarment. A tool salaciously is violently thrown by the pussy that finishes ripening, it ejaculates, and the convulsion doesn't stop. White of the eye is peeled off and the convulsion and the faint are repeated the last and crowded blame that not is the very vagina of Futoshi [dorirubaibu]. The body is shaken if a profusely wet vagina in a stick of the life salaciously is stabbed, it is rolled up by the devil, and a large amount of white liquid salaciously is poured and it accepts. White of the eye is peeled off and the dying transformer of rejoicing is tasted.
- 2011/04/14(木) 11:40:37|
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高峰みりあ 22歳 OL最近「婚活」という言葉をよく耳にする。結婚をしたがっている女が就職活動ならぬ結婚活動をすることである。今回餌食になった「みりあ」もその一人。「みりあ」はOL勤めをしているが結婚を早くしたい女である。同棲相手がなかなか結婚をしたがらない。意地でも結婚してやろうとあの手この手でせがむ。そんなある日、いつものように出勤する「みりあ」。待ち構えてていたのは・・・・。餌食を物色中の鬼畜たちに車で拉致されてしまう。「みりあ」はどこにでもいる最近の若い女だが見事な美巨乳で男好きする肢体がそそる。「みりあ」も所詮「女」。問答無用の連続の逝かせ責めに耐えられる訳はない。結婚したがってる可愛いらしい顔をした女が連続の強制昇天拷問により「単なる淫らな女」に変貌していく様をご覧いただこう。拉致してきたままの格好で椅子に縛り付け淫手と淫具による逝かせ地獄が始まる。巨乳を剥き出しにして秘貝を容赦なく淫具で掻き回す。絶叫の中、白い白濁液を垂らしながら逝きまくる。「みりあ」の肢体は震え、淫水を噴き上げ頭の中は空っぽに・・。意識朦朧の中「淫女」の顔を覗かせ何度も昇天する。やがて鬼畜の白い汁液をたっぷりと秘貝に受け入れる。
It often hears of word "Marriage activity" recently. The marriage activity to which the woman who wants to marry doesn't look for a job is done. Seeing [Miria]" is the one ..".. person who fell a prey this time. It is an early ..".. woman as for the marriage though seeing [Miria]" does the female office worker work. The live-in partner doesn't want to marry easily. It pesters for obstinacy variously even if marrying. Seeing [Miria] ..".." one day that goes to work as usual. ..severity... waitIt is abducted with the car by devils who are looking for food. of favorite limbs of a man ..".. attract it though seeing [Miria]" is a woman young recently at the time of being anywhere by splendid, beautiful fore buttocks. Seeing [Miria]" is after all "Woman "". There is no reason that can be endured for the dying of exchange questions and answers useless and continuousness. I will see externals where the woman who looked lovely is transfigured to "Ithyphallic mere woman" by continuous compulsion ascension torture. ..dying.. prison with bind and a hand salaciously and a tool salaciously starts from the chair suitable in the state of having abducted it. Fore buttocks are made beginning a peel and the pussy is stirred with a tool salaciously without mercy. It dies while hanging in the ejaculation and a white cloudiness liquid down and it rolls it up. "Limbs of seeing [Miria]" tremble, and water salaciously emptily in the spouting head ‥. It ascends to heaven at each peeping at the face of consideration faintness [no] inside "Woman salaciously". Devil's white semen will be accepted to enough and the pussy before long.
- 2011/04/14(木) 00:24:42|
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桜井春香 25歳 生保レディ鬼畜たちが集うアジトに飛び込みの生保レディが現れた。鬼畜とはいえ人間保険のひとつも入っておくかと契約にサインした。しかし、その契約の裏側には当然のごとく、逝かせ地獄の餌食になってもらう暗黙の契約が・・・・。生保レディ「春香」は。スレンダーながら、明るい性格そうだがちょっとエロい女である。スーツ姿がたまらなくそそる。帰り際を狙い襲う事にした。意識を失くさせて拘束。地獄のアクメ責めが始まる。着衣のままで縛り天井から吊るす。衣服を切り裂かれ、秘貝を荒々しく淫手や淫具で責められば、幾度と無く大量の潮を吹きながら昇天を迎える。泣き叫び制止を哀願するが肢体は正直に反応し、震えながら逝きまくる。黄金色の淫水と痙攣が止まらない。何度も何度も絶叫しながら逝きまくる。超強力電マの刺激にヒクつく秘貝。白目を剥き半狂乱で連続昇天する。鬼畜に生の淫棒でしっかり濡れた秘貝を突きまくられて白い多量の精液を注ぎ込まれれば身体を震わせて受け入れる。白目を剥いて歓喜の逝きトランスを味わう。
The woman of the industry of the solicitation of the life insurance of the diving showed up in the hideout where devils gathered. It was signed to contract nothing of the man insurance when entering even though it deviled. However, a tacit contract to become the food of the hell is ・・・・ on the other side of the contract as a matter of course. "Haruka". It is a disagreeable sunny disposition woman for a moment though it is a slim though it is so. The wearing a suit unbearably attracts it. It aimed and it made it to the attacked thing at the return. Consideration is lost and it restrains it. Blame of the acme of the hell starts. It is done that it hangs it from the bind ceiling like clothes. Clothes are torn up, and the vagina is violently blamed with a hand salaciously and a tool salaciously, and it is not and faces ascension while blowing a large amount of tide [ba] and several-time. Limbs die while trembling reacting on honesty and are rolled up though scream and entreat the restraint. Neither water salaciously nor the convulsion of the golden color stop. It dies while ejaculating over and over again and it rolls it up. Attaching pussy that pulls it to stimulation of superpower and electric massage. It ascends to heaven continuously by the half peel frenzy white of the eye. The body is shaken if a firmly wet pussy in a stick of the life salaciously is pierced, it is rolled up by the devil, and a large amount of white semen is poured and it accepts. White of the eye is peeled off and the ascension transformer of rejoicing is tasted.
- 2011/04/12(火) 21:00:19|
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美神まりな 19歳 デザイン専門学校生鬼畜たちは餌食を探して徘徊中、上玉女を見つけゲットした。姦りたくなったら即行動の鬼畜である。女を見つけるやいなや車を横付けにして拉致してしまった。女の名前は「まりな」。デザイン専門学校の学生である。スレンダーなカラダにキュートな顔が堪らない。学校帰りの「まりな」を拉致して拘束。若い女の連続昇天反応を極とご覧いただこう。連れ去られたままの姿で拘束椅子に縛りつけられ下着をズラされ秘貝をあらわにしたまま、いきなり無数のローターをぶち込まれ、早くも逝くうう。容赦なく責め立てられ歓喜の悲鳴と痙攣が止まらない。電マ責めに可愛い顔がマジ泣き顔に・・・・・。連続の秘貝責めに抵抗を示すも肢体はりっぱな「女」。淫具で責めまくれば無言の痙攣の、微かな逝き声ともに昇天する。何度も何度も逝かせまくる昇天拷問。恥ずかしいポーズで縛り上げられ、秘貝を淫手で掻き回されれば淫水を吹き上げながら昇天を迎える。鬼畜に口も秘貝も生淫棒で串刺しされて突きまくられ、終わりのない昇天を貪りながら白い生淫液を身体全体で受け留める。
The design special school life devils found a good woman while wandering looking for food and captured it. It is a devil of the movement of carrying out immediately when coming to want to violate it. The car is brought alongside as soon as the woman is found and it has abducted it. Woman's name is "Marina" It is a student in the design special school. Cute faces are not in a slender body. "Marina" of the return in the school is abducted and it restrains it. I will deliberately see the continuous ascension reaction of the young woman. It is shouted that it binds to the restraint chair by the appearance in the state of being kidnapped, it is put on, the undergarment is moved, an innumerable rotor is thrown suddenly with the pussy made demonstrative, and it already dies. It is criticized without mercy and neither the scream nor the convulsion of rejoicing stop. A lovely face is ・・・・・ in a serious cry face to the electric massage blame. Limbs are splendid "Woman" though resistance is shown in continuous pussy blame. A faint dying voice is given with a silent convulsion if it blames with a tool salaciously and it rolls it up and it ascends to heaven. Ascension torture that doesn't end. Ascension is faced while blowing up water salaciously if it is tied by a shameful pose, and the pussy is stirred by a hand salaciously. The mouth and the pussy are skewered by the penis by the devil and it pierces and it is rolled up, and white semen are received by the entire body and endless ascension is stopped.
- 2011/04/11(月) 14:14:57|
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友瀬凌子 24歳風俗(ファッションヘルス)嬢最近、不況やら時代の流れに対応できず、病んだ人間が多くなった。薬物や現実逃避にはまり込む。今回の餌食となった「凌子」もその一人である。職業は風俗嬢しているだけあって、肉体もまんざらではない。巨乳で歳相応にちょっとエロい女である。ある日、鬼畜どもが薬物を買っている「凌子」を目撃する。法律的にどうのこうのなど知った事ではないが、格好の脅しネタである。「凌子」をとっ捕まえるとそのままアジトへ。よほど鬼畜どもの方が悪儀である。アジトに連れ込み拘束。着衣のまま拘束具に縛りつけ、豊満な乳房や秘貝を徹底的に責める。少し生意気な薬中女を逝かせまくる・・・・・。ある意味薬物などより現実逃避できる連続アクメ拷問。秘貝を淫具で責めまくれば悲鳴か雄叫びのように何度も「逝く~」を連呼し昇天する。秘貝を淫手で掻き回されれば肢体を震わせながら淫水を吹き上げる。特大ドリルの振動が脳天を貫き「逝き地獄」へと堕ちていく。やがて勝気な顔は悦楽の女の顔に変わり、鬼畜の白い汁液を従順に秘貝で受け止めることなる。
24岁风俗(fashion health)姑娘最近,不景气不能对应为时代的流动,得病的人多了。落入拥挤药物和逃避现实。成为此次的饵食的「凌孩子」也是那个一人。职业妓女正因为做着,肉体也不是完全。是用巨乳岁适应稍微好色女人。目击某日,鬼畜都买着药物的「凌孩子」。不是这呀那呀等知道的事法律的,不过是,合适的威吓材料。抓住「凌孩子」的话就那样向宣传站。相当鬼畜都是恶仪式。宣传站带入拘束。穿着的衣服的那样拘束全部捆结实,丰满的彻底地责备乳房和秘贝。稍微自大的药中让女人逝世一个劲地的·····。比起某意义药物等逃避现实能的连续顶点拷问。如果用淫配料责备一个劲地秘贝像是不是哀鸣声呐喊一样地好多次连呼「逝世的~」升天。如果用淫手被搅拌秘贝虽然是震刮起肢体但是淫水。特大钻头的振荡穿透头顶「逝世向地狱」落下。不久好胜的脸变成欢乐的女人的脸,顺从地用秘贝接受鬼畜的白的汁液不相同
The recession cannot correspond to the flow in the age at 24-years old Miss customs (fashion health) recentness, and man who suffers has increased. It fits in the medicine and escapism and it crowds. "[Ryouko]" that became this food is the one person, too. In the occupation, there is only doing the sex industry worker, and the body is not an altogether. It is fore buttocks and it is a disagreeable woman to [sai] corresponding for a moment. "[Ryouko]" in which the devil is buying the medicine is witnessed one day. Begging are the threat materials of suitable very the law though are not a things known. To the hideout as it is when you capture "[Ryouko]". The very devil is evil. It restrains it to the hideout taking. It binds to the restraint tool like clothes, it applies, and full breasts and the pussy are blamed thoroughly. The woman is made to die many times in a little saucy medicine ・・・・・. Torture at continuous acme that can be escapism such as certain meaning medicines. "Do it die?" is called repeatedly many times like the scream or the shout, etc. and it ascends to heaven if the pussy is blamed with a tool salaciously and rolled up. Water salaciously is blown up while shaking limbs if the pussy is stirred by a hand salaciously. The vibration of an outsize drill ..carrying out.. degenerates the head into "Dying hell". A face strong-minded before long changes into nymph of delight's face, and is different in the
- 2011/04/10(日) 15:24:15|
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