浅井千尋 25歳 映像製作会社ディレクタ今回、餌食となる「千尋」も「婚活中」の女の一人であった。「千尋」は映像製作会社でディレクタを任されている25歳。25歳ともなれば仕事も大事だが結婚を意識する年頃。彼女の友達は皆いち早くゴールインしていた。彼女自身、仕事をとるか結婚かの葛藤に悩んではいる。だから今日も仕事の帰りに料理教室へ通うのであった。そんな帰り道、運悪く、餌食を物色中の鬼畜たちに見つかり拉致されてしまう。「千尋」は一見、堅物な感じのする女だが25歳になる熟れたカラダを包むスーツ姿が堪らない。また、スカートから覗かせる美脚が最高にそそる。連れ去ってきた着衣のままで天井から吊るし、乳房や秘貝を淫具で徹底的に責める。抵抗するものの、彼女の下着の中の秘貝はすでにぐっしょりと濡れている。下着の中の秘貝を電マの刺激が襲い掛かる。熟れきった生秘貝に荒々しく淫具をぶち込まれ絶叫し痙攣が止まらない。極太ドリルバイブを秘貝にブチ込む終わりのない責めに白目を剥いて痙攣と失神を繰り返す。鬼畜に生の淫棒でぐっしょり濡れた秘貝を突きまくられて白い多量の淫液を注ぎ込まれれば身体を震わせて受け入れる。白目を剥いて歓喜の逝きトランスを味わうのだ。
This time, "Chihiro" that became food was one of the women of "Be marrying acting", too. "Chihiro" is 25 years old to whom the director is left in the image production company. It is a pubescence to consider marrying though work is also important if it turns 25 years old. All her friends were promptly married. It enters worrying because of the conflict of her taking work or the marriage. Therefore, it commuted to the cooking class on one's return of work today. It is found by such a way back and devils who are looking for food unfortunately and it is abducted. The wearing a suits that wrap a ripe body that turns 25 years old though "Chihiro" is seemingly women who feel it like the man of strict morals are not [**]. Moreover, the beautiful leg seen from the skirt attracts it highest. It hangs from the ceiling like clothes that have been kidnapped, and the breast and the vagina are blamed thoroughly with a tool salaciously. The vagina in her undergarment is profusely wet though it resists already. Stimulation attacks it of an electric massage of the vagina in the undergarment. A tool salaciously is violently thrown by the pussy that finishes ripening, it ejaculates, and the convulsion doesn't stop. White of the eye is peeled off and the convulsion and the faint are repeated the last and crowded blame that not is the very vagina of Futoshi [dorirubaibu]. The body is shaken if a profusely wet vagina in a stick of the life salaciously is stabbed, it is rolled up by the devil, and a large amount of white liquid salaciously is poured and it accepts. White of the eye is peeled off and the dying transformer of rejoicing is tasted.
- 2011/04/14(木) 11:40:37|
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