高峰みりあ 22歳 OL最近「婚活」という言葉をよく耳にする。結婚をしたがっている女が就職活動ならぬ結婚活動をすることである。今回餌食になった「みりあ」もその一人。「みりあ」はOL勤めをしているが結婚を早くしたい女である。同棲相手がなかなか結婚をしたがらない。意地でも結婚してやろうとあの手この手でせがむ。そんなある日、いつものように出勤する「みりあ」。待ち構えてていたのは・・・・。餌食を物色中の鬼畜たちに車で拉致されてしまう。「みりあ」はどこにでもいる最近の若い女だが見事な美巨乳で男好きする肢体がそそる。「みりあ」も所詮「女」。問答無用の連続の逝かせ責めに耐えられる訳はない。結婚したがってる可愛いらしい顔をした女が連続の強制昇天拷問により「単なる淫らな女」に変貌していく様をご覧いただこう。拉致してきたままの格好で椅子に縛り付け淫手と淫具による逝かせ地獄が始まる。巨乳を剥き出しにして秘貝を容赦なく淫具で掻き回す。絶叫の中、白い白濁液を垂らしながら逝きまくる。「みりあ」の肢体は震え、淫水を噴き上げ頭の中は空っぽに・・。意識朦朧の中「淫女」の顔を覗かせ何度も昇天する。やがて鬼畜の白い汁液をたっぷりと秘貝に受け入れる。
It often hears of word "Marriage activity" recently. The marriage activity to which the woman who wants to marry doesn't look for a job is done. Seeing [Miria]" is the one ..".. person who fell a prey this time. It is an early ..".. woman as for the marriage though seeing [Miria]" does the female office worker work. The live-in partner doesn't want to marry easily. It pesters for obstinacy variously even if marrying. Seeing [Miria] ..".." one day that goes to work as usual. ..severity... waitIt is abducted with the car by devils who are looking for food. of favorite limbs of a man ..".. attract it though seeing [Miria]" is a woman young recently at the time of being anywhere by splendid, beautiful fore buttocks. Seeing [Miria]" is after all "Woman "". There is no reason that can be endured for the dying of exchange questions and answers useless and continuousness. I will see externals where the woman who looked lovely is transfigured to "Ithyphallic mere woman" by continuous compulsion ascension torture. ..dying.. prison with bind and a hand salaciously and a tool salaciously starts from the chair suitable in the state of having abducted it. Fore buttocks are made beginning a peel and the pussy is stirred with a tool salaciously without mercy. It dies while hanging in the ejaculation and a white cloudiness liquid down and it rolls it up. "Limbs of seeing [Miria]" tremble, and water salaciously emptily in the spouting head ‥. It ascends to heaven at each peeping at the face of consideration faintness [no] inside "Woman salaciously". Devil's white semen will be accepted to enough and the pussy before long.
- 2011/04/14(木) 00:24:42|
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