美神まりな 19歳 デザイン専門学校生鬼畜たちは餌食を探して徘徊中、上玉女を見つけゲットした。姦りたくなったら即行動の鬼畜である。女を見つけるやいなや車を横付けにして拉致してしまった。女の名前は「まりな」。デザイン専門学校の学生である。スレンダーなカラダにキュートな顔が堪らない。学校帰りの「まりな」を拉致して拘束。若い女の連続昇天反応を極とご覧いただこう。連れ去られたままの姿で拘束椅子に縛りつけられ下着をズラされ秘貝をあらわにしたまま、いきなり無数のローターをぶち込まれ、早くも逝くうう。容赦なく責め立てられ歓喜の悲鳴と痙攣が止まらない。電マ責めに可愛い顔がマジ泣き顔に・・・・・。連続の秘貝責めに抵抗を示すも肢体はりっぱな「女」。淫具で責めまくれば無言の痙攣の、微かな逝き声ともに昇天する。何度も何度も逝かせまくる昇天拷問。恥ずかしいポーズで縛り上げられ、秘貝を淫手で掻き回されれば淫水を吹き上げながら昇天を迎える。鬼畜に口も秘貝も生淫棒で串刺しされて突きまくられ、終わりのない昇天を貪りながら白い生淫液を身体全体で受け留める。
The design special school life devils found a good woman while wandering looking for food and captured it. It is a devil of the movement of carrying out immediately when coming to want to violate it. The car is brought alongside as soon as the woman is found and it has abducted it. Woman's name is "Marina" It is a student in the design special school. Cute faces are not in a slender body. "Marina" of the return in the school is abducted and it restrains it. I will deliberately see the continuous ascension reaction of the young woman. It is shouted that it binds to the restraint chair by the appearance in the state of being kidnapped, it is put on, the undergarment is moved, an innumerable rotor is thrown suddenly with the pussy made demonstrative, and it already dies. It is criticized without mercy and neither the scream nor the convulsion of rejoicing stop. A lovely face is ・・・・・ in a serious cry face to the electric massage blame. Limbs are splendid "Woman" though resistance is shown in continuous pussy blame. A faint dying voice is given with a silent convulsion if it blames with a tool salaciously and it rolls it up and it ascends to heaven. Ascension torture that doesn't end. Ascension is faced while blowing up water salaciously if it is tied by a shameful pose, and the pussy is stirred by a hand salaciously. The mouth and the pussy are skewered by the penis by the devil and it pierces and it is rolled up, and white semen are received by the entire body and endless ascension is stopped.
- 2011/04/11(月) 14:14:57|
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