桜井春香 25歳 生保レディ鬼畜たちが集うアジトに飛び込みの生保レディが現れた。鬼畜とはいえ人間保険のひとつも入っておくかと契約にサインした。しかし、その契約の裏側には当然のごとく、逝かせ地獄の餌食になってもらう暗黙の契約が・・・・。生保レディ「春香」は。スレンダーながら、明るい性格そうだがちょっとエロい女である。スーツ姿がたまらなくそそる。帰り際を狙い襲う事にした。意識を失くさせて拘束。地獄のアクメ責めが始まる。着衣のままで縛り天井から吊るす。衣服を切り裂かれ、秘貝を荒々しく淫手や淫具で責められば、幾度と無く大量の潮を吹きながら昇天を迎える。泣き叫び制止を哀願するが肢体は正直に反応し、震えながら逝きまくる。黄金色の淫水と痙攣が止まらない。何度も何度も絶叫しながら逝きまくる。超強力電マの刺激にヒクつく秘貝。白目を剥き半狂乱で連続昇天する。鬼畜に生の淫棒でしっかり濡れた秘貝を突きまくられて白い多量の精液を注ぎ込まれれば身体を震わせて受け入れる。白目を剥いて歓喜の逝きトランスを味わう。
The woman of the industry of the solicitation of the life insurance of the diving showed up in the hideout where devils gathered. It was signed to contract nothing of the man insurance when entering even though it deviled. However, a tacit contract to become the food of the hell is ・・・・ on the other side of the contract as a matter of course. "Haruka". It is a disagreeable sunny disposition woman for a moment though it is a slim though it is so. The wearing a suit unbearably attracts it. It aimed and it made it to the attacked thing at the return. Consideration is lost and it restrains it. Blame of the acme of the hell starts. It is done that it hangs it from the bind ceiling like clothes. Clothes are torn up, and the vagina is violently blamed with a hand salaciously and a tool salaciously, and it is not and faces ascension while blowing a large amount of tide [ba] and several-time. Limbs die while trembling reacting on honesty and are rolled up though scream and entreat the restraint. Neither water salaciously nor the convulsion of the golden color stop. It dies while ejaculating over and over again and it rolls it up. Attaching pussy that pulls it to stimulation of superpower and electric massage. It ascends to heaven continuously by the half peel frenzy white of the eye. The body is shaken if a firmly wet pussy in a stick of the life salaciously is pierced, it is rolled up by the devil, and a large amount of white semen is poured and it accepts. White of the eye is peeled off and the ascension transformer of rejoicing is tasted.
- 2011/04/12(火) 21:00:19|
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