南野リカ 28歳教師N学校の教師である「リカ」。28歳と婚期を逃した彼女は何故か毎日、イライラが続く。付き合っていた彼氏とも別れてもう1年になる。生まれ持って淫らな血がムラムラと熱く煮えたぎる日が多い。そんなある日、公園で生徒がタバコを吸っているところを目撃する。捕まえてくどくどとお説教をしてしまう。それを鬼畜たちに見つかり結局、生徒ともども拉致されてしまった。まずは淫女教師に連続アクメ拷問を味わってもらうことにした。連れ去られたままの格好で縛り付けられた「リカ」は色白のグラマラスな熟れた肢体がそそる。下着を脱がされ秘貝を荒々しく容赦ない電マの刺激責めに泣き叫びながらも淫女の歓喜の表情は隠せない。脳天を貫く快感は幾度と無く大量の淫汁を吹きながら昇天を迎える。白く艶かしい肌は電気ショックで紅く染まり、肢体を捩じらせ逝き果てる。終りのない昇天地獄の責めに真の淫女の顔を曝け出してくる。仕上げは鬼畜たちの白濁淫液をたっぷりと秘貝に受け止めるのだ。
"[Rika]" who is teacher at 28-years old teacher N school. Irritation continues to the woman who failed to catch 28 years old and marriageable ages every day why. One year has already passed since it separated from the having been associating boyfriend. It is born, has, there are a lot of ithyphallic bloods, and there are a lot irregular irregular and day when it boils hot. It is witnessed that the student is smoking in the park one day. It captures and it preaches importunately. It is found by devils and, after all, has been abducted with the student. First of all, a female teacher salaciously decided to taste the continuous acme torture. Glamorous fair ripe limbs attract "[Rika]" bound suitable in the state of being kidnapped. It is not possible to be made taking off the undergarment and to conceal the expression of the woman's salaciously rejoicing in the stimulation blame of an electric massage that doesn't violently pardon the pussy though it screams. Pleasure that goes through the head is not and faces ascension while blowing soup in large quantities and salaciously how many times. A glossy skin is an electroshock and a bright red dyeing, and it is white and limbs finishing ..twist.. coming. The face of a true woman salaciously is disregarded in the blame of the ascension hell that doesn't end and it begins to disregard [**]. Finish ..pussy.. is caught as devils' liquids becoming cloudy salaciously are enough.
- 2011/04/17(日) 22:45:20|
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