[Ayakachan] of ..only whole body bruise.. throat M why. It lie face downies and the pussy is fingered from the back. Feeling to which pant voice is raised only by patting hips and it is frightened for a moment. The feeling of the pant voice changes a little if man's finger touches the anus. When the finger is slowly REPLACEed in the anus, it holds it to a null null and the interior in one's mouth. There is not a painful appearance and either the pant voice whether to taste the finger is leaked. When the clitoris is attacked by an electric massage, many times little by little ..feeling and rolling up.. ..dying.. though a near yell is given and the body is [kunerase]. ejaculateThe finger is stirred to the anus while putting it, and an electric massage is applied. It makes it tired out to raising the shout like fainting.
- 2011/04/17(日) 22:51:25|
- 女体のしんぴ
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