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細谷美紀 23歳警備員世の中には色々な職業があるが、ガードマンという強くなくてはならない職業がある。しかし、今回、鬼畜どもの餌食となってしまったのは、交通整理をする気の弱い警備員「美紀」。気が弱くては警備員という職業には、普通あまりならないはずであるが折しも不況の真っ只中、選んでばかりもいられないのである。「美紀」は色白でか細い感じの大人しい女である。工事現場の交通整理中に鬼畜たちに文句を言われても何も言えなかった。そのまま、拉致されてしまう。拉致された制服の姿でアクメ拷問を始める。容赦ない電マの刺激に泣き叫びながらも脳天を貫く快感で苦悩な表情は隠せない。透き通るような白い肌と真性パイパンの秘貝は紅く染まり、肢体を捩じらせ逝き果てる。終わりのない連続のアクメ責めに秘貝を震わせ淫水を垂れ流し昇天を迎える。化粧も落ち、アクメに達した素顔を曝け出す。肢体を家畜のように縛られ、下半身以外身動きひとつできない状態で口も秘貝も奥まで淫棒で串刺しにされ突きまくられる。白い淫液と逝き地獄を身体全体で味わうハメになる。
There is an occupation of guard that should be strong though there are various occupations in the world. However, it is timid security guard "Miki" having become devil's food this time that does the traffic control. The recession just then is not chosen though it is sure not to become usually so much for the occupation of security guard when it is timid ..in the midst... "Miki" is adult woman of a fair, slender feeling. Even if it was complained in the traffic control of the construction site by devils, anything was not able to be said. It is abducted as it is. The acme torture is started by the appearance of the abducted uniform. ..suffering.. expression cannot be concealed in the stimulation of the electric massage not pardoned though it screams by pleasure that goes through the head. The pussy of the fair skin and the transparent true pie bread is bright red dyeing, and finishing ..twist.. coming as for limbs. The pussy is shaken because of the endless, continuous acme blame, water salaciously is faced, and the pouring away ascension is faced. The make-up falls, too and begins to disregard the real face that reached at acme. Limbs are bound like the domestic animal, and the mouth and the pussy pierce and are rolled up while not possible to be done by one moving excluding the lower half of the body the skewer even of the interior with a stick salaciously. It becomes a rape to taste white semen and the dying hell by the entire body.
- 2011/04/22(金) 23:33:49|
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The parent and child who tasted it once in a prohibited sacred ground cannot slip out there even in case of the turn one's back to at the people. It rages as the son went mad and the sperms that discharge the hambone that stands are all mothers'.
- 2011/04/21(木) 10:30:35|
- Hey動画
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The woman in India has exotic passionate amorousness a specific charm in them. The goddess of seem an unpleasant, sexy, specific, dark skin is to have special love. Men ejaculate in them and the sperm that effuses little by little is the most joyous for them.
- 2011/04/21(木) 10:24:08|
- Hey動画
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- 2011/04/21(木) 10:20:21|
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The target is between high school girl's groins the sprightly. Please look at the life bread of the high school girl and women who walk with [furifurihirahira]. The candid shot succeeds in the shoe cabinet of the life bread of the high school girl who has a strong guard.
- 2011/04/19(火) 23:03:34|
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- 2011/04/19(火) 23:01:16|
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寺島チヒロ 28歳 車販売営業鬼畜たちのアジトに新人営業レディが自動車の見積もりを持ってきた。新人とはいえ、歳はかなりいっている女である。色仕掛けで車を買わそうという手なのか?それなら乗らない手はない。車なんてさておき、この女を頂くとしよう。アクメ拷問の餌食にすることにした。スーツ姿の営業レディの名前は「チヒロ」。派手目の顔に豊満な肉体がそそる。「チヒロ」の枕営業を利用して意識を失くさせて拘束。地獄のアクメ責めが始まる。着衣のままで縛り天井から吊るす。衣服を引き裂かれ、秘貝を荒々しく淫手や淫具で責められば、幾度と無く大量の潮を吹きながら昇天を迎える。泣き叫び制止を哀願するが肢体は正直に反応し、震えながら逝きまくる。超強力電マの刺激にヒクつく秘貝。媚薬を秘貝に注入され朦朧としながらも何度も大量の潮を噴き上げ失神を繰り返す。鬼畜に生の淫棒でしっかり濡れた秘貝を突きまくられて白く大量の淫汁を注ぎ込まれれば身体を震わせて受け入れる。
New figure female business brought the estimate of the car to devils' hideouts. The age is a woman who says considerably even though the new figure. Is it a technique of buying the car by the color beginning?If so, there is no hand doesn't get on. Let's assume that the car gets the setting aside and this woman. It decided to make it to the food of the acme torture. It is woman of sales of the wearing a suit and the name is "[Chihiro]. "A plump body attracts it to the face of the gay. Consideration is lost by using pillow business of "[Chihiro]" and it restrains it. Blame of the acme of the hell starts. It is done that it hangs it from the bind ceiling like clothes. It tears up clothes, and the pussy is violently blamed with a hand salaciously and a tool salaciously, and it is not and faces ascension while blowing a large amount of tide and several-time. Limbs are lived while trembling reacting on honesty and rolled up though scream and entreat the restraint. Attaching pussy that pulls it to stimulation of superpower and electric massage. The philter is injected by the pussy and a large amount of tide is spouted many times though it does faintly and the faint is repeated. The body is shaken if a firmly wet pussy in a stick of the life salaciously is pierced, it is rolled up by the devil, and white, a large amount of semen is poured and it accepts.
- 2011/04/19(火) 22:59:35|
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- 2011/04/18(月) 19:16:04|
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皐月りぼん 18歳女子校生N学校の生徒である「りぼん」。家庭は裕福なのだが両親の喧嘩が絶えない。家に帰っても父親の怒鳴り声が彼女には耐えられなかった。成績もどちらかと言えば上位の方ではあるが誰しも人に言えない悩みはあるものだ。ある日学校帰り公園で遊び半分で覚えた煙草に火をつける。決して不良ではないが煙草をふかしていると嫌な事を忘れられる、彼女はそんな気がした。しかしタイミングが悪かった。同じ学校の教師である「リカ」に目撃されてしまった。注意されていると、更にタイミング悪く、鬼畜どもの毒牙にかかり拉致されてしまったのである。今回はロリ系女子校生の逝き様をとくとご覧頂く事にする。制服のまま縛り吊るされた「りぼん」。ロリ顔と発育した色白の肢体のアンバランスが堪らない。下着を脱がされ若い生秘貝に荒々しく淫具をぶち込まれ、絶叫する「りぼん」。女子校生いえどもりっぱな「女」。脳天を貫く快感は大量の淫汁を吹きながら昇天を迎える。何度も何度も逝きまくるアクメ拷問。逝き顔はまさに悦楽の女の顔になった。超極太電動ドリルバイブを容赦なく突き刺せば振動が脳天を直撃し、壊れ堕ちていく。仕上げは生淫棒を存分に上の口と下の口に突っ込まれ、まだ、さほど使っていないと思われる秘貝を白濁淫液で満たされてしまうのだ。
"[Ribon]" who is student at 18-years old schoolgirl N school. The parents' fights do not discontinue though the home is affluent. She was not able to endure father's snarl even if returning to the house. The worry that no one can say to the person is a certain one though the result is a high rank if anything. It plays in a certain day return park at the school and it ignites the cigarette remembered half. When the cigarette was steamed, she from whom an unpleasant thing was forgotten was felt like though it was never defective so. However, it was untimely. It has been witnessed to "[Rika]" who is the teacher at the same school. It badly hangs to devil's poison fang and, in addition, timing has been abducted when noted. It makes it to the thing sees that schoolgirl's dying externals like the little girl are solved this time. "[Ribon]" that ..uniform.. is bound ..the remainder.. and hung of doing. The unbalance of a young face and fair limbs to which it grew is not . "[Ribon]" that is made taking off undergarment and is violently thrown tool salaciously by young pussy, and ejaculates. "Woman" splendid though schoolgirl. Pleasure that goes through the head faces ascension while blowing soup in large quantities and salaciously. It dies over and over again and it tortures it at the acme rolled up. The dying face exactly became nymph of delight's face. If the super power drill vibes is thrust without mercy, the vibration hits the head directly, it breaks, and it degenerates. As for finish, do the thrust of a life stick salaciously to the mouth on and the mouth below without reserve, and the pussy that is not using it still very much is filled with the liquid becoming cloudy salaciously.
- 2011/04/18(月) 19:15:20|
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[Ayakachan] of ..only whole body bruise.. throat M why. It lie face downies and the pussy is fingered from the back. Feeling to which pant voice is raised only by patting hips and it is frightened for a moment. The feeling of the pant voice changes a little if man's finger touches the anus. When the finger is slowly REPLACEed in the anus, it holds it to a null null and the interior in one's mouth. There is not a painful appearance and either the pant voice whether to taste the finger is leaked. When the clitoris is attacked by an electric massage, many times little by little ..feeling and rolling up.. ..dying.. though a near yell is given and the body is [kunerase]. ejaculateThe finger is stirred to the anus while putting it, and an electric massage is applied. It makes it tired out to raising the shout like fainting.
- 2011/04/17(日) 22:51:25|
- 女体のしんぴ
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