細谷美紀 23歳警備員世の中には色々な職業があるが、ガードマンという強くなくてはならない職業がある。しかし、今回、鬼畜どもの餌食となってしまったのは、交通整理をする気の弱い警備員「美紀」。気が弱くては警備員という職業には、普通あまりならないはずであるが折しも不況の真っ只中、選んでばかりもいられないのである。「美紀」は色白でか細い感じの大人しい女である。工事現場の交通整理中に鬼畜たちに文句を言われても何も言えなかった。そのまま、拉致されてしまう。拉致された制服の姿でアクメ拷問を始める。容赦ない電マの刺激に泣き叫びながらも脳天を貫く快感で苦悩な表情は隠せない。透き通るような白い肌と真性パイパンの秘貝は紅く染まり、肢体を捩じらせ逝き果てる。終わりのない連続のアクメ責めに秘貝を震わせ淫水を垂れ流し昇天を迎える。化粧も落ち、アクメに達した素顔を曝け出す。肢体を家畜のように縛られ、下半身以外身動きひとつできない状態で口も秘貝も奥まで淫棒で串刺しにされ突きまくられる。白い淫液と逝き地獄を身体全体で味わうハメになる。
There is an occupation of guard that should be strong though there are various occupations in the world. However, it is timid security guard "Miki" having become devil's food this time that does the traffic control. The recession just then is not chosen though it is sure not to become usually so much for the occupation of security guard when it is timid ..in the midst... "Miki" is adult woman of a fair, slender feeling. Even if it was complained in the traffic control of the construction site by devils, anything was not able to be said. It is abducted as it is. The acme torture is started by the appearance of the abducted uniform. ..suffering.. expression cannot be concealed in the stimulation of the electric massage not pardoned though it screams by pleasure that goes through the head. The pussy of the fair skin and the transparent true pie bread is bright red dyeing, and finishing ..twist.. coming as for limbs. The pussy is shaken because of the endless, continuous acme blame, water salaciously is faced, and the pouring away ascension is faced. The make-up falls, too and begins to disregard the real face that reached at acme. Limbs are bound like the domestic animal, and the mouth and the pussy pierce and are rolled up while not possible to be done by one moving excluding the lower half of the body the skewer even of the interior with a stick salaciously. It becomes a rape to taste white semen and the dying hell by the entire body.
- 2011/04/22(金) 23:33:49|
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