小咲みよ 21歳コスプレモデル志望鬼畜が経営するプロダクションにモデル面接にやってきた女が逝かせ地獄の餌食となった。女の名前は「みよ」。21歳。まだ、大人になったばかりである。顔も幼さが残っている。それを自分でも売りにしているのか、趣味で始めたコスプレを仕事にしたいとコスプレモデルの面接にやってきた。まずはナースコスプレに着替えさせてみることに。若い女ならではのキメ細かい肌、肢体は立派に成熟し、鬼畜の逝かせごころに火がついた。面接に託けてコスプレ女を連続昇天拷問にかけ、たっぷり究極アクメを味わってもらう事にしよう。着替えさせたナース衣装のまま天井から縛り吊るし、逝かせ拷問が始まる。衣装を引きちぎられ淫具を下着の中に放り込まれる。早くも逝きそうになるが絶叫とカラダを捩じらせ堪えている。綺麗に手入れされたパイパンの秘貝責めに悲鳴と痙攣が止まらない。淫具と淫手の責めに刺激が脳天まで襲い掛かる。恥ずかしいのか絶頂を迎えても小声のまま逝き果てる。逝っても逝っても続けられる連続昇天責め。嫌がりながらも逝き顔は苦悩と悦楽の女のいい顔になる。やがて「逝きトランスしたコスプレ幼女」は鬼畜に生の淫棒でしっかり濡れた秘貝を突きまくられ、究極のアクメを味わいながら多量の白濁淫汁を秘貝の奥に注ぎ込まれる。
The woman who had come to the model interview became production that 21-years old costume play model wish devil managed with the food of the ascension hell. Woman's name is "See. "21 years old. It has just grown up still. Young remains in the face. It did to sales or even I ..it.. came to the costume play model's interview when I wanted to do to the work of the started costume play by the hobby though I did not know. First of all, to change of clothes to the nurse costume play. The delicate skin and limbs only of a young woman matured splendidly, and ignited devil's mind. Let's leave a message for the interview and make the costume play woman taste enough ultimate acme to the continuous ascension torture. It binds from the ceiling like the nurse clothes to change clothes, and it hangs, and the ascension torture starts. Clothes are pulled, it tears, and a tool salaciously is thrown in to the undergarment. The ejaculation and the body are gotten, and it twists and is gotten though it already seems to die. Neither the scream nor the convulsion stop in blame on the pussy that doesn't have the pubic hair beautifully maintained. ..blame of a tool salaciously and a hand salaciously.. stimulation attacks the head. It is shameful or it ascends to heaven like the whisper on the hight and exhausted. Continuous ascension blame continued no matter how it ascends to heaven. As for the dying face, the woman of suffering and the delight becomes influential though it dislikes. As for "Costume play little girl who did the dying transformer", a firmly wet pussy in a stick of the life salaciously is pierced before long, it is rolled up by the devil, and a large amount of cloudiness semen will be poured into pussy's interior while tasting ultimate acme.
- 2011/05/10(火) 16:21:56|
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