アクセスランキング 無料de無修正アダルト動画 夏樹カオル 問答無用 No.135


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夏樹カオル 問答無用 No.135

作品名 No.135 カオル
夏樹カオル 25歳OL世のOLの楽しみアフター5。つまり会社の仕事が終わる5時から自分の為の時間が始まる。ショッピングに食事、飲み会など‥。毎日の疲れを癒す時間である。今回、餌食になった女も本当であれば友達と飲み会で楽しむはずであった。しかし、とんだアフター5を味わうハメに・・・。女の名前は「カオル」。小顔で美形のいい女である。気の強そうな顔立ちになかなかのプロポーションである。大手会社ではないもののOLとしてのキャリアも長く、仕事もできる。そんな「カオル」が会社帰りに鬼畜たちの毒牙にかかる。拉致され天井より縛り吊るされる。乳房を鷲づかみで揉みまくられ拒絶の声の中、微かな快感の吐息が漏れる。電マで秘貝を刺激すれば悲痛な表情と肢体を痙攣させ腰をクネらせ震えて逝き果てる。嫌がりながらも逝き顔は苦悩と悦楽の女のいい顔になる。連続の秘貝責めにたまらず、顔を歪ませいやらしい叫びを発する。衣服を切り裂かれ、淫手や淫具で秘貝を掻き回されれば肢体を小刻みに震わせ白目を剥き逝き果てる。やがて「牝化したOL」は鬼畜に生の淫棒でしっかり濡れた秘貝を突きまくられ、歓喜の逝きトランスを味わいながら多量の白濁淫汁を注ぎ込まれる。


The enjoyment after 5 of female office worker of 25-years old female office worker world. In a word, the time for I starts at five o'clock when the work of the company ends. It eats and the party, etc. shop ‥. It is time to heal the tiredness of every day. This time, if she was true, the woman who had fallen a prey was also to have enjoyed it by the party with the friend. However, to tasting surprising after 5. Woman's name is "[Kaoru]. "It is a small face and it is a woman with a good beautiful body. It is no mean ratio in features that the nature seems to be strong. The career as the female office worker can be also long, and it work though it is not established competitors. Such "[Kaoru]" hangs in the return with the company and it hangs to devils' poison fangs. It is abducted and it binds from the ceiling. The breast is massaged, it is rolled up, and the sigh of in the voice of the rejection and faint pleasure leaks. If the pussy is stimulated by an electric massage, the bitter expression and limbs are gone into convulsions and ascension of can be slinky is exhausted. As for the dying face, the woman of suffering and the delight becomes influential though it dislikes. It doesn't collect in continuous pussy blame, the face is distorted, and a disagreeable shout is originated. If clothes are torn up, and the pussy is stirred with a hand salaciously and a tool salaciously, the shake white of the eye ..limbs.. is peeled off little by little, it dies, and it is exhausted. A firmly wet pussy in a stick of the life salaciously is pierced before long, it is rolled up by the devil, and a large amount of cloudiness semen will be poured into "Female office worker who makes it to the female" while tasting the dying intoxication of rejoicing.

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  1. 2011/05/06(金) 22:40:08|
  2. 問答無用
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0
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