アクセスランキング 無料de無修正アダルト動画 吉川あゆみ 問答無用 No.134


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エクスドウ 動画閲覧所 ヌキしょ avアンテナ

吉川あゆみ 問答無用 No.134

作品名 No.134 あゆみ
吉川あゆみ 21歳 女子大生夏休みも終盤。学生たちはここぞとばかり、暑い夏を満喫したがる。今回の餌食となった女子大生も友達と海に遊びに出かけるため待ち合せをしているところを街を徘徊中の鬼畜どもに見つかり拉致されてしまった。女を見つけるやいなやいとも容易く毒牙にかける。女の名前は「あゆみ」。まだ。幼さが残る顔に肉感的なボディがアンバランスで堪らない。若い女の連続昇天反応を極とご覧いただこう。連れ去られたままの姿で天井より吊るされる。恥ずかしいポーズで縛り上げられ、秘貝を淫手で掻き回されれば淫水を吹き上げながら昇天を迎える。下着をズラされ秘貝をあらわにしたまま、いきなり無数のローターをぶち込まれ早くも逝くうぅ。容赦なく責め立てられ甲高い悲鳴と痙攣が止まらない。電マ責めに幼い顔も肢体も紅潮する。連続の秘貝責めに抵抗を示すも肢体はりっぱな「女」。痙攣の中、微かな逝き声ともに昇天を繰り返す。強制アクメに大人しい女子大生も見事に淫雌化して自ら男たちの生淫棒を上下の口で咥え貪る。そして痙攣した濡れた秘貝に大量の白濁淫液を注ぎ込まれる。


The college woman summer vacation in the last stage. Students want to enjoy only this time and the hot summer. It is found by the devil who is wandering the town and it has been abducted to meet so that the college woman who became this food may also go out to have a good time to the sea with the friend. It very puts as soon as the woman is found on an easy [ku] poison fang. Woman's name is "Progress. "Still. Sensual bodies are unbalanced and not [**] in the face where young remains. Let's have the continuous ascension reaction of the young woman seen. It is done from the ceiling by the appearance in the state of being kidnapped ..hanging... Ascension is faced while blowing up water salaciously if it is tied by a shameful pose, and the pussy is stirred by a hand salaciously. ..dying.. [] already. be moved the undergarment and be thrown an innumerable rotor suddenly with the pussy made demonstrativeIt is criticized without mercy and neither the penetrating scream nor the convulsion stop. A young face and limbs flush to the electric massage blame. Limbs are splendid "Woman" though resistance is shown in continuous pussy blame. In the convulsion and a faint dying voice repeat the ascension of both parties. An obedient college woman also the female splendidly makes it salaciously at the compulsion acme, and it is upper and lower own mouth and holding in one's mouth [**ru] as for men's life sticks salaciously. And, a large amount of liquid becoming cloudy salaciously is poured by a wet pussy that went into convulsions.

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  1. 2011/05/05(木) 13:26:06|
  2. 問答無用
  3. | トラックバック:0
  4. | コメント:0
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