【 作品の販売までは今しばらくお待ち下さい 】「数々の金字塔を打ち立てた大人気シリーズ「しろハメ総集編プラス+」に待望の2011年版が早くも登場!よりパワフルになった2011年版しろハメをフルHDでぜ~んぶ見せます!その上、今回は特典として人気モデル「なみ」と「奈美」とで二度とあり得ない同一企画でのコラボ対決をプラス!しかも「中出し22連発」に「11時間超え」のハイスケールはまさに“究極仕様”の逸品!総集編史上、最大のビッグ・スケールで送る本作はHey動画限定の永久保存版です!」(今回はファイルの関係上、分割動画のみの配信となりますが作品ごとにCHAPTERを区切っておりますので一括動画と同じ感覚でお楽しみ頂けます。)【今作のオススメポイント】○よりパワフルになった2011年版新作しろハメが一堂に集結!○なみ×奈美・二度とあり得ない最初で最後のコラボ対決!○今年最高のヒットを飾ったあの動画もフルHDで遂に登場!○全動画8000KbsのフルHDムービーはまさに永久保存版にピッタリ!○撮影時の裏話を一作品ずつ追加。○中出し22連発は未曾有のスケール!こんなてんこ盛りでなんと価格は$24!超お買い得なこの作品で、今年のGWは延々抜き放題!
为【到(连)作品的销售现在请稍等 】「建立许多的金字塔的人气旺系列「做hame总集编辑正+」期望的2011年版很早登场!以FullHD显示成为更Powerful的2011年版做hame不ze~bu!而且,此次是作为优惠名模「没有」正在「奈美」再不可能的同样企划的协作对抗!而且为「中出做22连发」「超过11小时」的高比例尺是确实"最终配置"的绝品!总集编辑历史上,用最大的大·比例尺移的本作品是Hey动画限定的永久珍藏版!」(此次文件的关系上,成为只分割动画送信,不过因为每作品断开着CHAPTER以与一揽子动画一样的感觉享受能得到。)自【现作的推荐点】○变成为Powerful的2011年版新作hame为一堂集结!○没有×奈美·再不可能的只此一次的协作对抗!○今年装点最高的击中的那个动画是以FullHD也终于登场!○全动画8000Kbs的FullHD电影确实永久珍藏版恰好!○各一作品追加摄影时的内情。○中出22连发是空前的比例尺!这样的满满如何价格是$24!用超合算的这个作品,今年的GW是延々抽出!
【Please wait even for sales of the work for a while 】「A lot..monument..build up..popular..series..furnace..summarizing program..plus..expectation..already..appearance.Is it full HD as for 2011 version [shirohame] that became more powerful?[Nbu] [mi] has it. Moreover, the [korabo] confrontation by never an impossible, same project is added as a privilege by popular model "It is" and "Nami" this time. Moreover, a high scale of "Exceed it for 11 hours" is an exactly excellent article of "Ultimate specification" in 22 putting out firing during "in rapid succession". This work sent on the maximum big scale is a permanent preservation version of the Hey animation limitation in the history of the summarizing program. 」(Because CHAPTER of each work is delimited, it is possible to enjoy it though it becomes a delivery only of the division animation because of the file this time by the same sense as the batch animation. )Furnace [hame] of doing by 2011 version Arata who became more powerful than 【 [osusumepointo] of the work now 】* concentrates on a temple. - The last it is × Nami and first never impossible [korabo] confrontation. - That animation that decorates the highest hit of this year finally appears with full HD, too. - A full HD movie of all animations 8000Kbs is exactly fit in the permanent preservation version. - The inside story when taking a picture is added by one work. - 22 inside putting out firing in rapid succession is unprecedented scales. The price is this very work of super-affordable $24 in such vigor, and this year's GW is long pulling out.

- 2011/05/01(日) 22:29:21|
- しろハメ
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