米山麻里 36歳保育士今回は熟女の保育士「麻里」が餌食となってしまった。仕事帰り際、園児の忘れ物を届けることになった「麻里」。たとえ日本といえども暗くなった人気のない道を女、一人で歩くのは危険である。案の定、鬼畜どもの目に留まり拉致されてしまった。熟女昇天拷問の餌食となってしまう。「麻里」は、この歳まで仕事一筋で結婚はしていない。極々、普通の女である。が36歳ともなればオンナとしてはそれなり経験と淫らな肉体の持ち主であろう・・・。拉致した時の格好で拘束してアクメ拷問に送込む。普通の熟女が淫乱な本質を曝け出して昇天、壊れていく様をご覧いただこう。徹底的に連続の逝かせ地獄に送込む。衣服や下着を切り裂き、乳首や秘貝を淫手や淫具で責めまくる。唸りにも似た絶叫を連呼し痙攣、狂喜しながら昇天する。熟女ならではの肢体は正直に反応して何度も何度も逝きまくる。真性淫乱熟女の顔へと変貌する。やがて、鬼畜たちに生の淫棒でぐっしょり濡れた秘貝を突きまくられ、大量の白淫汁を注ぎ込まれる。身体を震わせ歓喜の顔で受け入れる連続中出し・・・・。
Mature woman's nursery teacher "Mari" has become food this time. "Mari" that will deliver kindergartener's thing left behind at work return. It is even dangerous to walk alone on a popular road that darkens though Japan there the woman. As I thought, it stays in devils' eyes and it has been abducted. It becomes the food of the mature woman ascension torture. "Mari" has not married this by the live only for one's work. Extremely, it is a usual woman. However, it might be an owner with a moderate experience and ithyphallic body as the woman if it turns 36 years old. It is restrained to abduct it suitable and sends it to the acme torture. A usual mature woman sees lewd essence, and ascends to heaven beginning to disregard it, and will see the breaking externals. It sends it to a thoroughly continuous ascension hell. Clothes and the undergarment are torn up, and the nipple and the pussy are blamed with a hand salaciously and a tool salaciously and rolled up. The ejaculation that looks like the groan is called repeatedly, it goes into convulsions, and it ascends to heaven while going into raptures. Only mature woman's limbs ascend to heaven many times many times reacting on honesty. It is transfigured to true lewd mature woman's face. A profusely wet with penis of the life pussy is pierced, it is rolled up by devils, and a large amount of semen is poured before long. Putting out when being continuing at the time of accept body with face of shake rejoicing ・・・・.
- 2011/04/26(火) 11:36:14|
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